Their research has broadened their understanding of the Scriptures and has caused their faith to be made more firm.ģ In delivering their talks, the speakers endeavor to copy Jesus, the greatest public speaker of all times. Why so? When enlarging on the fine outlines provided them, they have had to research the Bible and the Society’s publications to make the talks instructive and interesting. They have definitely played their part in introducing many thousands of us to the truth and strengthening the faith of us all.Ģ Perhaps the ones who have benefited most from the public talks are the speakers themselves. Now, 36 years and 485,000 more publishers later, we can look back and say that the public talks have been of much benefit.
Part V-Congregation Meetings: Benefiting from Public Talksġ Were you in attendance when the first organized series of public talks, as we know them, began in January of 1945? There were only about 65,000 publishers in the United States in those days.